Forms of Treatment
There are a variety of concussion treatment options available varying from behavioural therapies to biofeedback training. Treatment plans are individualized depending on qEEG results. Some examples are outlined below.
Initial Treatment
An initial period of minimal physical and mental exertion is highly recommended. Cognitive rest is an equally important consideration as physical rest; for example, adequate sleep, abstaining from visually stimulating activities such as computerized technologies, and refraining from physical exertion. One should monitor for worsening symptoms (e.g. increased headaches, mental fog, etc.). Return to play, work, or school should be gradual, depending on what can be mentally/physically tolerated.
Refer to the Guidelines by Parachute Canada for safe Return-to-Play and Return-to-Work.
Other forms of concussion treatment include:
vision therapy
vestibular therapy
chiropractic guidance
chronic pain management, and more.